Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Wise Men Still Seek Him

On desert plains wise men saw a star which showed them the way. Today we are distracted, work, media, entertainment, but that star... that star still shines on.

      It helped a man cross the sea. It helped a General to win a war. A young boy, aged 14, turned to it seeking answers to the most important question ever asked. Pioneers trudged through mud and snow following it's light whilst they chanted "Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah for Israel!"

        And today... today men, women, and children alike look for it. And when they look... they will find it's light shining round about them,  and they will know where to go.

       As they travel far and wide following the light, the find it's source. It's not the Tardis or a Doctor, Doctor Who? Nor Captain Jack Sparrow and his pirate crew. It's not riches or glamour or gold, but a lowly manger, humble and bold. A young child there sees a baby boy, young and pure. She asks "who is he papa?" A wise man responds, "Tis Christ, our Savior, Master and Lord of all!"

       Wise men still seek Him as Angels sing "Glory to the new born King!".

         I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas, for no matter how small or far away, Christ the Lord brings us together eternally.

    As always I love you all! And so does He. Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas to all!

Elder Cullen E. Watkins

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