Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Who, What, and Why about Missionary Work

Hello everyone!

    Welcome to my missionary blog! My mom will be posting my weekly email here along with whatever photos I send. I hope you are uplifted as you read about my missionary experiences these next two years. Be sure to subscribe to the blog to get an email every time my mom makes a new post.

    For my first post here I wish to explain the who, what, and why about my mission.

    Who: Jesus Christ. He is the grand designer of this mission. I will be spreading His word, doing His work, everything I do will be in His name. By way of His living prophet, Thomas Monson, and the Quorum of 12 Apostles I received a letter in the mail that was my call to serve in the Japan Nagoya Mission. I believe it is the will of The Savior that I was assigned to this area. There are people there who the Lord is preparing to give the opportunity, through me and my mission companions, to hear the message of His gospel, His love.

    What: The fullness of the restored gospel. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ appeared to a young boy with many questions. They called him to be their prophet and restore the Priesthood and the Church. Through this latter-day prophet, Joseph Smith, Christ gave us the Book of Mormon, another testament that He lives. I will be an instrument in sending this message of good tidings and great value to as many as will hear and give them the opportunity, if they so choose, to be baptized in the Lord's name.

    Why: Because I love Jesus Christ. I have a desire to serve God by being a missionary. I have been blessed so much throughout my life by His love and His church, which I believe is the true church. My greatest friends are all members of this church, my brothers and sisters who follow Jesus Christ. Because of His Priesthood authority my family can live together for eternity in His Heavenly Kingdom. How sad it is that many in this world know not such blessings. So I have chosen to share it with these brothers and sisters who have not heard it. And I also hope that my brothers from church might have the same desire to share the gospel of Christ and help save souls.

    I know that these things are true because I feel it in my heart. I have a testimony of Jesus Christ and His love for us. And I love many people too. My favorite scripture is Helaman 5:12 which reads "...remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of the living God, that ye must build your foundation... a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall." That gives me strength. The work will be hard, there will be tough days, but my foundation is Christ, and with Him I cannot fall.

    So that is why I choose to serve for these next two years. I love you all and will miss you, but in the words of the 1st Doctor from Doctor Who "Someday I shall comeback. Yes, I shall come back. Until then you must move forward in all your beliefs, and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine." Brothers and Sisters, enjoy the blog, write me, and God be with you till we meet again!

Elder Cullen E. Watkins

Watkins Family at the Columbia, SC Temple

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